Posts Tagged ‘LOLCATS’

Re-doing website…. ?

September 27,2009


I think I need to re-do the website.

Well here are some things I thought up >>

1.) A contest every 1,000 hits or just whenever I want to do one. =]

2.) Besides the theme for the colors being blue, I am going to change them to like orange,red,yellow. =]

3.) I will add someone to be an admin. Anyone wanna be an admin? Someone I know well who posts.

4.) I am going to make my playlist to where you have to click it for it to start.
Because I know when I go to some people’s site, I hate their music.

5.) I am going to strictly be posting about my life or other cool things. No more fails! Or LOLCATS! Or look-a-likes!

I just wanna change up the site, and need more views from people!!

Question of thee post;; Do you have any ideas for me?